Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Thanks to Eli over at I See Leadpeople, had nominated both this blog and Atom Kid for a Stylish Blog award!

The Stylish Blogger Award given from one blogger to another one might say, is like a pat on the back for a good job. It's definitely a viral, zombie-like spread of good will so it's too good to pass up. I was awarded mine yesterday and have been thinking a little on who to nominate myself. There are four rules:

•Thank and link back to the person giving you the award
•Share seven things about yourself
•Select 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award
•Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award

So thanks again to Eli for the nomination and if you haven't checked out I See Leadpeople you should. It's filled with great wargaming, roleplaying and miniature converting ideas. It's definitely a blog I read on a daily basis for creative ideas!

The seven things are...

-I like gaming
-I like drawing
-I once was in a ska/punk band called the skidmarks
-I went to school for art (and it continues to not pay off)
-I'm a St. Louis Cardinals fan
-I hope to move to Texas some day
-I love watching pre-1990s cartoons

Now for my picks for stylish blogs, that's a little more difficult. There are so many good ones, but these are my picks.

Art By Bubba Shelby - Eric Stettmeier's website feature his awesome illustrations! One of my favorite cartoonists! His style reminds me a little of Bruce Timm's, but with a little more flare!

I See Leadpeople! - Eli Arndt's great gaming and modeling website! I don't know how he keeps his creative mojo going? He's a good blog pal as well!

Lord of the Green Dragons Pied Piper Publishing's blog and great resource for roleplaying games!

Magic Carpet Burn - The enigmatic Prof. Grewbeard's website for horror, b-movies, music, toys and more!

Marjasall Productions - Mark Allen's blog and showcase for his extraordinary artwork! And he's a good pal!

Retrospace - If you grew up in the 60's, 70's and 80s you'll love this blog! Everything a retrohound could want!

The Blog That Time Forgot - Al Harron's blog that covers everything from Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, J.R.R. Tolkien, to Clark Ashton Smith. Basically everything that matters!

The Omnipotent Eye - Andreas Davors wonderful blog filled with great gaming ideas!

The Silver Key - Brian Murphy's wonderful blog about his musings and reviews on literature, most notably Fantasy, Horror and Sci-Fi (are there really any other genres?).

Victoria's Boys In Red - A great resource for Victorian Science Fiction gaming and home to the Aethergraph, an online fanzine for VSF gaming.

So thanks a lot for the nomination, and remember my choices doesn't mean there aren't other great blogs out there!

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